Session II of Camp Innovation was an entirely different program than session I; not better, not worse, just different! I has been an adventure and we had a great time exploring our talents.
Day 1 we assessed ourselves and each other by asking: What are we good at?, What would we like to improve?, What are our goals for this week?. We also talked about career interests, and played a few icebreakers to learn everyone’s name and learn more about each other. We learned about structures through educational media. Then we divided up into teams of 2, had 20 minutes to design and build the strongest, most stable, tallest, and nicest looking structure. After our break, we learned more about how to properly build an efficient structure, and each student created their own structure! On Day 2, we learned about basic and acidic chemical reactions. We took 6 mystery chemicals, and 3 mystery liquids to learn about chemistry, all of which can be found in your home! Then we learned about each product (soda, water, vinegar, table salt, baking soda, sugar, powdered sugar, flour, and antacid) and their chemical formulas. After the break we began the design process of creating chemical reaction rockets. How neat is that?! Day 3 started out by completing our rockets and testing them based on launch height, distance, safety, design, durability, and teamwork. After our break, we watched a SUPER fun music video that consisted of one giant Rube Goldberg Machine that ended up with a paint cannon splashing the band (click link below to see our inspiration). Mickie Byrd, our professional programmer, then introduced basic programming to the students so they could learn how to use technology in their Rube Goldberg assignment. On Day 4, for the first part of the day we learned about polar and non-polar molecules, how they interact with each other and in your bodies. .After the break we utilized our time to brainstorm, and begin creating ideas for our Rube Goldberg Machine. Day 5 we spent the entire day creating our Rube Goldberg Machine. What we did was we started at the hockey table and one thing triggered another which eventually led to us feeding the fish on the other side of the room! How cool and innovative? If that doesn’t remind you of the movie Home Alone, I don’t know what will!
Music Video Link: Rube Goldberg Machine

A HUGE thanks to:
♦ Mickie Byrd for teaching classes two weeks in a row. You have been so wonderful to us, and we hope that you enjoyed the class as much as we did! ♦ The students for being easy going and fun to work with! ♦ All of the parents and family members for coming to support us on Friday’s showcase 🙂 ♦ and finally, to our awesome sponsors that help make great camps like this happen.

To see all of our adventures from this week,
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Twitter handle @seadacademy
Until next time, Friends! 🙂